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The main theme of the proposed Workshop is graph algebras, which are objects of growing interest that lie at the boundary between algebra and analysis among other mathematical fields. Despite being introduced only about a decade ago, Leavitt path algebras, as the algebraic counterpart of graph C*-algebras, have arisen in a variety of different contexts as diverse as symbolic dynamics, noncommutative geometry, representation theory, and number theory.
The Workshop will feature courses focusing on Steinberg algebras and groupoid C*-algebras. This workshop is addressed to graduate students, postdocs, and interested researchers, in general.
Mehdi Aaghabali
Massoud Amini
Mohammad Bagher Asadi
Amir H. Sanatpour
Zakeieh Tajfirouz
Mini-courses: Some mini-courses have been arranged to be held on the 7th of July 2019. Each mini-course consists of a single introductory talk. The topics include Leavitt path algebras, graph C*-algebras, K-theory, homology, and groupoids.
Schedule of mini-courses could be found here.
Registration and accommodation application for the Workshop
If you plan to participate in Workshop, please register on this website by July 5, 2019. For registration, first you have to pay the registration fee, then fill out the registration form here. Your registration will be confirmed by an email from the organisation committee.
International Participants: The registration fee for international attendees is 100 Euro, that will be due in cash at the time of registration on the first day of the meeting. For visa inquiries send an email to maghabali gmail.com. Please note that standard credit cards; e.g., Visa, Master or AmEXP, cannot be used in Iran.
The registration fee includes: Workshop package, participation in courses, lunches coupons, and coffee breaks during the event.
Accommodation application: We have a very limited number of available rooms at the students' dormitory. Please send an email to maghabali gmail.com if you need accommodation.
Schedule of the Workshop is available here.
Venue: Kharazmi University, Mofatteh Street, Tehran, Iran.
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